Tea Tonic and Toxin: Mystery and Thriller Podcast and Book Club

What Is The Purloined Letter?

Auguste Dupin and The Purloined Letter - Edgar Allan Poe - Tea Tonic & Toxin Podcast

What is the purloined letter, and will Auguste Dupin find it? Check out Edgar Allan Poe’s story and our podcast!

Will Auguste Dupin Find The Purloined Letter?

Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter” is a short story set in Paris sometime in the first half of the 19th century. In the story, G-, prefect of the Paris police, visits amateur detective C. Auguste Dupin. The prefect tells Dupin about a case involving a letter that has been stolen from the queen’s boudoir by Minister D—, who is now blackmailing the queen.

The prefect describes the letter. What’s clear is that its contents haven’t been revealed. Minister D— still has the letter and that he must have the letter close at hand so he can produce it at a moment’s notice, if needed.

The prefect says he and his detectives have searched every inch of D—’s townhouse. They’ve examined furniture, drawers, walls, wallpaper, floors, carpets, books, packages, and parcels and have found nothing.

Dupin hears the story of the purloined letter and puts his mental faculties to the test. Using his power of reason, he does what the police cannot — solves the mystery.

Tea, Tonic, and Toxin Book Club and Podcast

Tea, Tonic, and Toxin is a book club and podcast for people who are (or will soon become) obsessed with mysteries and thrillers. Each month, your hosts, Carolyn Daughters and Sarah Harrison, will discuss a game-changing mystery and thriller. We’ll start with stories and novels from the 19th century.

We invite you to join us in reading and exploring these mysteries and thrillers, all of which have shaped the genre and stood the test of time. You can check out the current book club and podcast schedule here.

In a Nutshell

WHAT TO READ: “The Purloined Letter” by Edgar Allan Poe

HOW TO READ: Buy it on Amazon, read it for free on the Poe Museum website, or read it for free courtesy of Project Gutenberg.


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