Who Is Lord Peter Wimsey? Was He Based on a Real Person?

When Dorothy L. Sayers wrote Whose Body? (her debut novel, published in 1923), she introduced a detective who would go on to appear in 10 more novels and five collections of short stories. Lord Peter Wimsey was no ordinary detective, however. Readers of the stories about this character will soon recognize him as an early… Continue reading Who Is Lord Peter Wimsey? Was He Based on a Real Person?

Agatha Christie’s First Poirot Novel Is Still a Classic

If you’re a fan of Agatha Christie’s murder mysteries, I’m sure you’re already familiar with Hercule Poirot, the eccentric Belgian detective who manages to solve virtually every murder he stumbles across. But did you know The Mysterious Affair at Styles is the novel where he first appears? Seeing the way the detective is introduced in… Continue reading Agatha Christie’s First Poirot Novel Is Still a Classic

Detective Philip Trent in Trent’s Last Case

Even though the name of this book is Trent’s Last Case, the novel is actually about the FIRST detective case of detective Philip Trent. Published in 1913, the main character, Philip Trent, is an artist, freelance journalist, and amateur detective sent to report on a case involving the murder of an American business tycoon in… Continue reading Detective Philip Trent in Trent’s Last Case

Father Brown Mystery Stories: Meet a New Type of Detective

The Innocence of Father Brown

Long before he started writing his own detective stories, Gilbert Keith (G.K.) Chesterton was already a fan of the genre. He had been reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories about Sherlock Holmes since he was a boy and even tried his hand at writing mysteries of his own with a few stories that were published… Continue reading Father Brown Mystery Stories: Meet a New Type of Detective

Best Detective Podcasts: Our 2023 Book Club Picks

Searching for the best detective podcasts? We read 11 books in 2022, with 12 more coming in 2023! Listen in! If you landed on this page, chances are you’re: However you got here, we’re glad you’ve arrived. Oh, yes. You’ve come to the right place, my friend. In 2022, we traveled from 1841 through 1910.… Continue reading Best Detective Podcasts: Our 2023 Book Club Picks